EmergentX is dedicated to harnessing the full potential of blockchain technology to enhance the lives of millions.

The pace of change in our world is unprecedented, characterized by a rapid digital development and unprecedented global connectivity. We believe that a revolution marked by an open, secure, and global financial system through blockchain technology is inevitable.

Cryptocurrency is the great equalizer, offering standardized digital infrastructure that opens the doors of opportunity to all, irrespective of their background or location. This transformative shift empowers individuals to reach their full potential.

Blockchain technology will become the foundation upon which we build a just society, which is why it is at the core of everything EmergentX is focused on. Before establishing EmergentX, our founding team successfully launched Paidy, a payments company in Japan, which was acquired by PayPal Inc. in September 2021. They also created Wavecell, a cloud communication company based in Singapore, which was acquired by 8x8 Inc. in July 2019.



Transforming lives through technology